Anthropos India Foundation
AIF has an extensive list of advisory members who provide valuable and vital input in AIF’s work. We are really grateful to all our Advisory members who despite of their busy schedule willingly contribute towards AIF and provide the guiding light and help AIF reach its goals.

Kamal K. Misra is currently an ICSSR Senior Fellow and was formerly the Vice-Chancellor of Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar. He was Professor of Anthropology and Dean, School of Social Sciences at the Central University of Hyderabad. He was educated at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar; Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; and the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. He was the recipient of the prestigious Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Award in the USA and the Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship in the UK. He was also invited by the University of Bergen, Norway as a Guest Researcher. He was honored with Sarat Chandra Roy Memorial Medal by the Asiatic Society, Kolkata for his contribution to Anthropology in Asia. Prof. Misra was the Director of the National Museum of Mankind, Bhopal, and the Director of the Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata, He taught at Utkal University, University of Hyderabad and at Austin College, Texas, USA.

Prof. Deepak K Behera, (Retired) Professor, Department of Anthropology Sambalpur University is presently Vice- Chancellor of KISS Deemed University. Prof. Behera also served as Vice Chancellor to Sambalpur University. He was a Fulbright Visiting Professor at California State University at Long Beach. Prof. Behera is the recipient of the prestigious Sarat Chandra Roy Memorial Gold Medal by the Asiatic Society, Kolkata (the oldest educational institution in Asia) for his outstanding contribution in the field of Cultural Anthropology in India.

Dr. Alison Kahn, is the Visiting Fellow in Digital Learning Systems in the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University and Director of Cultural Heritage and Digital Learning Lab, SDS Group, (Research) U.K. Dr. Alison Kahn was trained as an anthropologist at the universities of London (MA) and Oxford (MPhil, DPhil). Alison is Director of the Oxford Documentary Film Institute, which specialises in workshops on factual filmmaking and emerging digital methods as tools for research. She is a research and tutorial fellow in Museum Anthropology and Modernist Literature at Stanford University Overseas Program in Oxford. Her research portfolio spans across material culture studies, visual, digital, and museum anthropology. Her recent projects experimenting with digital media formats have included non-linear storytelling with ebooks, interactive documentaries, VR and AR technologies.

Dr K. Anil Kumar, is an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Anthropology, IGNOU, New Delhi. His area of specialization in the discipline is Socio-cultural Anthropology and areas of research interests in Culture and Environment, Indigenous Knowledge, Natural Resource Management, Health & Nutrition, Development-induced Displacement, Resettlement and Rehabilitation, and Tribal Studies.